Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hello world, I'm your shakey girl!

Alright. So not only did this post's title pay homage to The Runaways (fanfreakingtastic! Wish I was in an all girl rock band so bad it hurts sometimes), it refers to the uncontrollable quake in my arms every time I went about snapping the shutter. No matter, Catwolffriend and Ballakristarina were such great sports that there were more than a couple shots that didn't make me wanna toss my lunch every time I looked at them. This was my first ever roll of developed film, and I'm eager for more! I've got a roll of b&w and my eye on a certain Lumberjack. Be sure to keep you posted, stay safe in this wacky weather!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunrise comes around 8:00 after a long night

I experimented with my cammie's settings that resulted in everything having this weird yellowy tinge, I also decided to go for a more hands-off approach (literally) and just held Margaret at my waist and fired at will. Very much so an overall meh, but I did get a good bit of exercise cruising around the neighborhood.

Later that very same night..

 Gosh, this one was so much fun to shoot! Although, I had a sneaking suspicion that somewhere around midnight Catherine was plotting my downfall. We called it quits and hit the sack, but not before we agreed upon a sunrise shoot. Worst. Decision. Ever. Lol no, not quite, but we were seriously exhausted. I'll post the results of that excursion soon.

Concrete'll do that if it sits too long

These were taken last weekend, I'm not half as excited about these as I am about the night time ones..but you'll have to see for yourself and let me know what you think. Catherine did a sick job modelling, I just wasn't feeling very inspired, I suppose. All I can say is: thank the big man store bought cookie dough comes with inspiration inducing properties mixed in!

Average Joe School Day mid Jan

Rainbow sunsets.. spectacular. I love ending the school day with these. We have a great view of the sky from ye old cliff, so guests always drool over how kickin' our sunsets are. Honestly, I can't help but agree : )

Beach detour-end of 2010

I really love the ocean. There isn't anywhere better to be, regardless of weather


Hello blogging world! Neat to be a part of you, although, with zero followers, I'm not sure I can really say that yet. It snowed today, so I went out and shot some film of Caffriend and Krista, now all to do is scrounge up the money to get it developed. School was cancelled, and it may be again tomorrow, if these power outages hold up. Film seems so much different than digital, there's more art to it, almost. When you've got limited shots, it's as if your creativity is unbridled and you really make them count. Anyways, all the best

Just a few from a shoot back in Jan

It seriously looked like zombies should have been emerging from the mist lol